Council is continuing to monitor the evolving situation with COVID-19. Please see our dedicated webpage for up-to-date information on Council services and advice.

To hold a fireworks display on Council controlled land it you must first obtain a permit from Workcover NSW. Following issue of a valid permit, Council will consider applications on the basis of size and type of fireworks to be used, time of the display, adjoining residents being advised by the applicant, no unreasonable nuisance to surrounding residents, consideration of any objections received by Council and that the fireworks are legally permitted for use in NSW.

Applicants will also require current public liability cover for the display.  No fireworks display can be carried out during a fire ban.

Workcover rarely issues permits for private backyard fireworks displays. To apply for a fireworks permit please contact Workcover NSW on 9370 5870.

For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9748 9999.
